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Article | Mathematics and Computer Science

Addressing trust in numerical simulations — help wanted!

Trust is a serious and insufficiently recognized problem. Definitions differ, both systematic and unsystematic, unintentional and malicious corruptions occur, and detection can be difficult and costly. To address this problem, researchers at Argonne’s Mathematics and Computer Science Division have produced a white paper investigating key aspects of trust that users can give to the results of numerical simulations.

The paper includes numerous cases of alterations of results, presents a gap analysis, and suggests research directions and associated research topics.

The white paper is an open document. The researchers welcome additions, including examples of corruptions and techniques for improving trust. For the full document, see the website.

Feel free to send suggestions to cappello@​anl.​gov.

Note that this work will be presented at the DOE ASCR  Cybersecurity for Scientific Computing Integrity Workshop in June.